SuperGaming has launched its own made-in-India Indus Battle Royale on mobile platforms with the potential to jump in the esports scene. Surpassing 14 million pre-registrations, the game is now available on both Android and iOS, paving the way for an esports season with the largest prize pool in the Indian battle royale history. The title is the latest targeted at mobile gamers in India with India-focused content.
Indus is an Indo-futuristic battle royale game that debuted at the No. 1 spot on the Top Charts for free-to-play games on the iOS App Store. Fusing Indian-inspired themes with futuristic gameplay, the game offers a fresh take on the battle royale genre.
In an exclusive conversation, Shwetaketu Dighe, the Associate Game Director at SuperGaming told The Daily Esports, "Indus Battle Royale is a game built with a deep passion for both the gaming community and Indian culture. Our goal has always been to create a gaming experience that resonates with players globally, while staying true to our roots. We’re excited to see the community engage with the game, provide feedback, and help us shape the future of Indus together."
Players can compete in classic battle royale modes, including both FPS and TPS perspectives on the map of Virlok. Additionally, the game also features a Team Deathmatch mode in 4v4 and 2v2 formats, with pre-made loadouts in a unique map called Saaplok. Players can customize their avatars and loadouts.
Furthermore, the game boasts Cosmic Clutch, an innovative feature that establishes a dual-win condition in battle royale matches. In addition to the traditional last-person-standing win, the Cosmium —an ultra-rare resource—spawns in the final circle, where capturing Cosmium grants your squad an instant victory. However, it comes with its own challenging circumstances since a team must survive brutal fights with teams to secure it.
Additionally, the Grudge system introduces a unique opportunity of revenge to gameplay. When eliminated, a player can declare a grudge against their opponent. And in the next match, both players are placed in the same lobby, with the grudge opponent’s approximate location marked on the map. Said mechanic gives players the chance to settle the score and seek vengeance in their upcoming face-off.
For Android, the specifications of the game include 1.5 GB of space (2.5 GB recommended), Android version: 6.0 and above, (“apply recommended” suggested for graphics settings on low-end devices.) And for iOS devices, the game requires 2.3 GB of space (2.5 GB recommended), iOS 12.0 or later on iPhone, and iPadOS 12.0 or later for iPad.
In line with the game’s inauguration, SuperGaming recently revealed Clutch India Movement, a year-long esports roadmap starting with the Indus International Tournament, boasting a massive prize pool of INR 2.5 crore, making it the largest for any Made in India battle royale game. Indian and global teams will be competing in a series of four tournament phases where the MVP will be awarded with a customized Mahindra Thar. Said tournament will be followed by another major event, the Indus International Mahasangram in October 2025.
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