The much anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy Remake, has fallen short of Square Enix’s expectations. Despite positive reviews and good initial sales figures the game failed to deliver the blockbuster performance the company had hoped for.
A leading cause behind this shortfall could be the exclusivity for PS5, as it has a much smaller player base compared to the PS4 in which the Final Fantasy Remake thrived. The other reason for this could be the release window for Final Fantasy 7 Remake during the height of Covid-19 pandemic, leading to unexpectedly low sales. This further led to the unrealistic sale expectations for the sequel.
While Rebirth’s performance might be disappointing for Square Enix, it doesn’t mean that the game was a complete failure. It still garnered positive reception and likely sold well within the industry. However it highlights the challenges game developers face in reaching ambitious sales targets, especially in a competitive market with limited hardware availability.