CDPR Prioritizes The Witcher 4 as "Most Advanced" Project

CDPR Prioritizes The Witcher 4 as "Most Advanced" Project

author image Md. Jarif-Ul Islam |

July 14, 2024 at 9:00 PM BST

On the recent Flow Games podcast, Pawel Sasko, associate game director on the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, mentioned ‘The Witcher 4’ is the "most advanced" project of all the games that CD Projekt Red and its partners are currently working on. Although Sasko couldn't give much detail on the upcoming CD Projekt Red games, his rundown of the whole bunch explained that The Witcher 4 is by far the furthest in development in the Polaris project.

Sasko recalled statements from a CD Projekt Red investor’s call in May, which reaffirmed plans stating that The Witcher 4 will enter production later down the line this year. Outlining The Witcher 1 Remake, Cyberpunk 2, a troubled spin-off, Project Sirius, and the new Witcher saga starting with The Witcher 4, Sasko says that the latter is "the most advanced of all of those."

That being said, CDPR still isn't really talking about The Witcher 4 as a game so much as an internal idea, and it's likely that games like Cyberpunk 2, set to release after The Witcher 4, will push the technological boundaries further. Sasko also reiterated that The Witcher 4 has the primary part of CD Projekt's workforce working on it by saying that "most people are working on the Polaris project." As of May, that number sums up to "over 400 people," suggesting that the developer is preparing to give its best efforts for the production phase.

Furthermore, a snippet from this portion of the conversation states that The Molasses Flood, the indie studio working on the somewhat difficult development of Project Sirius, is working directly with Sasko in the new Boston studio. With the developer only joining forces with CDPR in 2021, it's only since then that the aforementioned studio has been established. This suggests that CDPR is dedicating extra help and expertise to the new project, which is intended as a game more for fans of The Witcher on Netflix rather than the dedicated RPG fanbase.

Additionally, The Witcher 4 won't be "The Witcher 3 in new clothing,” CDPR states, "we will be adding new gameplay elements and new mechanics to the game.”