The highly anticipated animated series adaptation of the popular indie video game "Dead Cells" is set to premiere next month, bringing the game's unique blend of action and humour to the small screen. Titled "Dead Cells: Immortalis," the series is produced by the Paris-based animation studio Bobbypills, in collaboration with the French streaming service Animation Digital Network (ADN), Evil Empire, and Motion Twin.
"Dead Cells: Immortalis" will consist of ten episodes, each approximately seven minutes long. The series will first air exclusively on ADN in France on June 19, 2024, with English subtitles. An English-language version is expected to follow later in the year, allowing a global audience to enjoy the show.
The animation style of "Dead Cells: Immortalis" has been a topic of much discussion among fans. The recently released trailer showcases a playful and humorous tone and atmosphere. However, it seems there is a slight departure from the original narrative of the game. The main character, the Chosen One, is depicted with a purple-flame head, a design choice that adds a whimsical touch to the series. He is joined by a new character, Laurie Esposito, who serves as the Guardian of the Truth.
Bobbypills, known for its creative and often strange original works such as "Vermin" and "Peepoodo," brings its expertise in action animation to the series. The studio's previous work on the animated trailers for "Dead Cells" and its various DLCs has set high expectations for the quality and style of the upcoming show.
The production of "Dead Cells: Immortalis" is a collaborative effort involving several key players. Bobbypills and ADN are leading the animation and distribution, while Evil Empire and Motion Twin, the developers behind the original game, are also heavily involved. This collaboration ensures that the series will capture the essence of the game while introducing new elements to keep viewers engaged.